Welcome to Area 12
A very warm welcome to Area 12, which is one of the largest riding club areas in the national network of British riding clubs. The area stretches roughly from North and South Devon to North Somerset and east to Wincanton and beyond. Within the area, 19 affiliated clubs offer training, competition and a whole host of equine activities and workshops to well over 1,500 members on weekdays and at weekends, during the daytime and the evenings.
The riding clubs in Area 12 offer dressage, dressage to music, show jumping, cross-country and a multitude of specialist clinics and workshops. Each year they compete in a series of Area Championships and National BRC Qualifying competitions in the various disciplines and many of their teams and individual members go on to compete with great success at the national British Riding Clubs Championships and other national championships.
This website brings you up to date information on the events organised by the team of hard working volunteers in Area 12 as well as details of all affiliated riding clubs within the Area.
Riding clubs cater for riders and horses of all abilities and experience. Whether you have a new young horse that needs to learn its job or an experienced horse that needs to be re-schooled or enjoy new experiences, your local riding club can provide the opportunities you seek. For you, the rider, your riding club provides ready access to experienced and highly skilled local instructors and to national trainers at highly competitive rates. In addition you will find a ready welcome from a new group of friends and acquaintances with interests in common and access to people with the experience and skills to help you.
In addition to their own training clinics and workshops, riding clubs also have access to a national network of training and development opportunities provided by British Riding Clubs. Your membership of an affiliated club ensures that you have access to insurance, discounts and a whole host of other benefits. Why not join?
Sally Ellis-Gray
Area 12 BRC Chairman