Important information
Area 12 Rules for Competition
Following feedback from judges and others the following Rules were approved at the AGM in November 2022 and apply to all competitions held by Area 12 including qualifiers.
A horse may not ride the same course, or the same dressage test with same judge, more than once per day; be competitively ridden by more than two people on the day of competition
The Official Steward reserves the right to stop anyone who is in multiple classes if BRC feel the horse’s welfare is compromised.
2024 BRC Handbooks
Your Club will have received several Handbooks but if you want your own copy these can be downloaded or viewed from the BRC website. You can also purchase your own copy.
Download or view a copy of the current BRC Handbook here: BRC 2024 Handbook
Hat tagging & Body Protector checks
BRC hat tagging is taking place at all BRC Area Qualifiers and BRC championships. This will be checked before you are allowed to compete so please allow time for your hat to be checked and tagged with the current PINK tag unless you have already had this done at a PC or BE event. Your hat will be inspected for the current safety standard marks and numbers, this will only take a few minutes.
From 1st January 2024 the BETA 2009 Purple label will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. Please ensure that you have a Level 3 body protector showing the BETA 2018 Blue label. This will be checked before you compete in any cross country competition.
Please refer to the 2024 BRC Handbook for details of hat (Section 2 G22.2) and body protector (Section 2 G22.3) standards.
Any horse or pony competing at Area or National Championships MUST be vaccinated in accordance with BRC Rules. Please refer to the 2024 BRC Handbook - Section 2 G7 which gives details on the current rules which have changed since 2023.
Download or view a copy of the current BRC Handbook here: BRC 2024 Handbook
Championship Entries - update from BRC 2024
Please see attached document from BRC giving information you need if you qualify for any BRC National Championship
Competition Results
Official results can be found at Riding Club Results
Club contact details
Please ensure we are notified of any changes to your club chairmen/secretaries/treasurers. Details including name, address, telephone number and email address should be forwarded on to Email Area 12
Thank you.